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Outdoor unit: Stevenson Screen




Traditional weather stations house outdoor sensors in a Stevenson Screen. This is essentially a whitepainted box whose walls have louvered slats. These slats allow air to freely flow, but fully protect the inside of the box from rain. The white paint reflects the Sun's rays, which helps to stop the inside of the box warming above the surrounding air temperature.

I've designed the Outdoor Unit housing on this louver principle. The base and roof of the housing is MDF, with squaresection wood forming a frame. Into this frame is inserted lengths of angled plastic strip (available from DIY stores) which give a louvered result.

The front of the housing is shown hinged (although in reality my unit hinges at the back) and opens to give access to the inside.

Plastic pipes from the anemometer and wind-vane enter through the roof and carry internal wires to the Unit. A hole is in the base of the housing, carrying wires for the ground-temperature DS18B20 sensor. The housing fixes to a supporting post with an angled metal bracket.

The whole housing is painted in exterior white paint. I tried spray paint initially and although it works it's difficult to get the spray into all the louvers.





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Designed using CollectAny software